Friday, April 29, 2011

Smucksville - It's Hunksville

Smucksville, it is hunksville! Makes you want to do the paradise wave!

Bruce is very easy to look at. However, Neil in his wild Canadian ways, well. Trace Adkins, yikersville, the plumber has done very well. Last but by no means least, is the gentleman of John Prine.

Four male musicians, all very different - but in my mind - much the same.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Federal Election

As some of you may know, Canada is heading to the polls, May 2nd, 2011.

This is the person/the party I will be voting for - Jack Layton - New Democratic Party - The NDP.

Polls, if you believe in them, have shown Layton is running next to the current leader.

I have faith.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spring Is Here!

Happy Days, spring has arrived! Here is a photo of my small flower garden, the tulips and daffodils are sprouting. If you look closely at the picture you will see a tiny square (in the center of the picture) - it is a fish and whistle - or perhaps a whistle and fish! To the left are some of my rock hearts. I love my little garden, I have a little chair to which I sit on - watch the birds go flying by - sing them some Prine.

Fish and Whistle - thanks - Charlene.
Fish and Whistle - thanks - John Prine.
All else - thanks - Mother Nature.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lydia ~ 2011

Introducing, Lydia 2011 - proudly awaiting a visit from Donald. Not the Trump. Donald, as in the Donald from Donald and Lydia - John Prine. Oh my, I do not know Donald's last name, I do not think he has one.

Perhaps, because Lydia is located in the pine trees, standing there for months pine-ing, prine-ing for Donald, I should name Donald ~ Donald Pine!

Good lord, where my mind takes me - well, I too - sometimes wonder, pure wonderprinement!

This year Lydia is sporting a new belt, hat, gloves, shirt, and one boot! The boot is filled nicely with rocks; she tends to lean on her left leg ~ her runway abilities are limited. To balance her out is a gasoline can filled with water, Lydia has gained some weight since last year, it lOOks good on her.

Lydia has had no weight gain on her face, no weight gain to her eyes. Her beautiful red lips await a kiss from Donald, her arms are opened wide to greet him.

~~Such fun I had in bringing Lydia back to life for another year. We Prine well together, she is very much like me!~~

Friday, April 22, 2011


Since the seasonal folks are flocking in for the Easter weekend, I decided to bake a devils' food cake to share with them. Generally, when I bake ~ everything turns out fairly well. Not this time. Pieces of cake actually fell out of the upside down cake pan while I was cooling them! Good Grief!

I tried my best at piecing it all back together, to no avail. In the midst of this, my seasonal neighbor comes over. He sees this cake falling apart before his very eyes and asked, what is it that you are making. I replied, I do not know. I have never made a cake like this before. My neighbor, knows each time they come here; I will have baking for them.

I give up on my cake and decide to do some lip flappin' instead. After he left, I said to Noisemaker, what I am going to do with this cake; I hate to toss food out. I remembered I had purchased some waffer bowls. Got it now - I took the waffer bowls, filled them up with the broken cake pieces, on top of that - strawberry ice cream - and then, chocolate sprinkles! Delightful!

I took them over for my neighbor, his eyes just beam - he says - god they look so good! Made my heart warm. Now I shall make some up for my other seasonal neighbors and for my neighbor (permanent) who lives down the road.

Happy Easter weekend everyone. . . comes Peter Cottontail coming down the bunny trail
but that crazy bunnykin is singin' Prine...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

HoNk, hOnK

ah, two new friends have been with us for two days now, we are trying to think of names for them. Post if you can think of anything appropriate.

Geese are beautiful birds, but they do poop mega. Such a language they have, they are honking and doing mating rituals. Well, I think it is a mating ritual; they mate for life.

Last year, they had their babies here and were training them in the creek. Such a precious site to see.

The Sandhill Crane family has also return. What a HonK, hOnK they have; lordy sounds like the fire alarm.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

100 Pounds

As some of you may know, I have always had a weight problem. Not like most folks who try to keep pounds off, I try to keep them on. Yesterday, I reached 100 pounds. I knew I was gaining, but geez when I stepped on the scale and saw 100 pounds, well - I yelled at the Noisemaker to come on over and view. I have worked so hard to gain weight and I am mighty proud to be sporting the three digits. Prior to moving to the mountain side, I had already started to have pounds fly off me like a bird departing from its' perch. I had always maintained 98 lbs., but as the way of life started to rapidly fall apart, my poundage was falling too. In June of 2005, my four legged love moved on to dog heaven. My Noisemaker lost his job and was being hounded by the tax man. There was no way out but to sell out, pay Noisemakers' debt, and proceed - hence the home on the mountain side. As a side note here - August 5th, 2005 - John Prine - Vancouver. That Prine concert had so much meaning to me because I thought I would never see him again - where was my Prine mind? ...I always have kept the faith... My weight loss 'gained strength' at this point. In months I was down to 83 lbs. and I knew should I ever catch a flu bug; I would be screwed. No matter what I would eat, pounds were not on the menu of the day. Finally, I went on a big binge of potatoes. Mashed with butter - three times a week. Ice cream, whipped cream, anything with calories - I would eat. Today, yes - I sit a 100 lbs. I am so proud. My goal is now, to maintain it. I am eating a lot of fruits and grains - just trying to maintain...just getting by...and yes, I do watch the birds :) And for all you folks out there that consider yourself overweight. You are overweight because society says you are. Society looks at you folks, they never give a blinking eye to the underweight. Granted, some folks need to ditch a few pounds, but eh, don't ditch too many because if any bug is out there to catch ~ you will not have pounds to fight it with. Trust me, this I know. That 9 lb. hammer, John - it still a bit to heavy, buddy ~ for my size, size, size - buddy for my size.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Near My Home

This is the start of the creek, not many steps from where Noisemaker and I reside. Much wildlife, Noisemaker and I enjoy. The winter is long - like a Long Monday ~ John Prine.

True Grit - Iris Dement

Last night I was watching the movie - True Grit (with Jeff Bridges). Near the end of the movie I hear this sweet angel singing - I knew it was Iris Dement. She was singing a very old hymn, my Mom would have loved it. The song was Leaning On The Everlasting Arms. Words by Elisha A. Hoffman - Music by Anthony J. Showalter (1887). I have never seen Iris in person, but I do have her first cd - the postman brother bought that for me. It would be really something to hear her sing with John Prine in concert. See more at

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


There are two different types of kokanee.

One is fish, a kokanee salmon.

The other is a beer.

Our property - well, the front yard is a creek. The kokanee salmon spawn here every September. It truly is a sight to behold. I can sit there for hours, watching the fish, watching the eagles. When the kokanee are not spawning they are a silver-gray color. When they are spawning; they are orange/red like the picture. Kokanee fish are also caught in Colorado.

I have never fished for Kokanee, I would rather just watched them spawn.

The fishing I have done for beer has been that of rummaging through a cooler!

Currently, at the creek there are many eagles, they are fishing. We are hoping to join up with them soon.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ode to Pee

Noisemaker and I lead a very unusual life style, we accomodate wildlife - but, sometimes the wildlife, is us! As most of you know that read my blog, I go bed early and I get up early. The other morning, no different from any other morning, I awoke - had my porch time - came into the computer room and sat a spell. About an half hour later, I felt the need to pee. Noisemaker and I, we do not hear to well, nor apparently do we see too well. I went from the computer room to the washroom, thinking Noisemaker is still asleep; I do not hear anything, I cannot see anything, and I do not turn any lights on as I opt not to disturb Noisemaker. I proceed to the washroom, my hand goes across the countertop, I turn and shut the door - then, I hear a voice - my Noisemaker. Scared the you know what out of me. There he is in pee territory. Myself nor Noisemaker think not to turn on the lights, no - no - we fumble around - and then I start to giggle. Are you all getting the picture - it is smucksville - shadows abound. It is two days later, I am still laughing, holding my stomach!

Lip Flappin' Time It Was

I had such a nice visit with my seasonal neighbors yesterday, I miss lip flappin' time. Our seasonal neighbors live about 350 south, but visit on a regular basis when the white stuff is not flying. I checked in on their place everytime I am out walking, just to be sure everything is as what it was when they departed. To thank me for this, they brought me a gift. Oh so special, easter cookie cutters - a bunny, a tulip, and a butterfly - along with candied sprinkles. I love gifts and I love to bake! On the mountain side, we are having our annual bake sale next month. All of my cookie cutters will be utilized. Did you know you can utilize your cookie cutters with rice krispee squares? ah, the list for the uses for cookie cutters are endless. My seasonal neighbors are having a problem with his father, he lives here. Problem being he has opted to live the life style of less than not even a pig. To hear the words he spoke of his father living far from human well, it just is beyond my realm. I cannot imagine to live a place you call home, yet you cannot clean it, tidy it. Smucksville. When my Mom was strickened with dementia; she could not keep up with her regular housecleaning routine - and, oh - how that hurt her. I remember one time, I took her around her kitchen in her wheel chair and we wiped down the fridge, the stove, the dishwasher (not my Dad - the dishwasher, the appliance :). She loved it! I will never understand how a human being can live in a so called home and not take care of it. But then, Some Humans Ain't Human - Some People ain't kind. . . John Prine I spoke with my Aunty today, she is human and she is kind - so thoughtful. Aunty is nearing 85 years old. I hope to visit with her this summer - her telephone call was near frantic because she does not cook (how would she feed me), she does not have an extra bed (where would you sleep, I am getting you a hotel room - I want to see you, visit with you - but only on my terms)...ok, I said Aunty - reign in the deer - all will be well - and then we giggled! More people should giggle - my next post - will make you giggled. If it does not - well, you ain't human ;)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Yesterday, we had to travel to the city because Noisemaker had an appointment at the hospital. Nothing serious - he had to have his lungs checked out to see if any damaged had been done from 40 plus years of cigarette smoking. He has not received the 'official' results but the doctor in charge thought his lungs, although somewhat damaged were not in that bad of shape. Ode to Noisemaker. We were late in getting started and we had to hit Wally World prior to the appointment. I know some folks detest Wally World. Personally, because I am on a restricted budget, I love Walmart. I utilized coupons and I was able to ace several bargains. Geez, I even sang a few Prine tunes (although somewhat altered in words). Take A Look At My Heart - John Prine ~ take a look at Walmart (skunkeyejan). *major giggle, holding my stomach* Ode to Walmart. After Wally World and the hospital appointment we headed to McDonalds - as we always do. We only go to the city about twice a year. We purchased a couple of quarter pounders with cheese - we split a large fry and a cola drink. Within 5 minutes of eating. my Noisemaker did not feel so well. He tells me, Bev - my blood pressure is rising, I can feel it. I replied, well - let us just sit a spell. When he felt comfortable enough to drive (it is a 1 1/2 hour drive back home - smucksville), we left. When we arrived home, we had to make several trips to unload. Generally, Noisemaker unloads and I scramble to make everything fit in. I could see my Noisemaker was tired and spent. After all was unloaded he sat to check the blood pressure. Smucksville, it is orbiting out of control. He knew he best rest and that he did. As mentioned previously we only get the city about twice a year and I would like to think that eating at the arches of golden would not be that bad. However, I think next trip - we will be visiting Boston Pizza! Boston Royale - oh my - I can taste it. As an added note here; prior to the schedule appointment at the hospital for Noisemaker to check his lungs - he had to visit the local doctor. When the doctor explained about the lung test, I replied - well - doc - hells/bells Noisemakers' lungs won't be great, because he does not sing Prine, he doesn't sing at all. If you want to have strong lungs - you have to sing - and preferably Prine! As my Dad always said - if you sing on earth ~ you'll sing in heaven. * * My Dad had no religion, some Prine, and an eighth grade education. ;)


Generally, I awake in the wee hours of the morning. I make my coffee, and proceed outside to sit in peace. A few mornings I have heard a foreign noise outside. It is dark, I cannot see anything, but I hear it. Scares me lifeless, I think something is going to jump on to porch. This morning, I heard the noises again. I quickly ditched my cigarette and came back into the house. About half an hour after that Noisemaker awoke and of course, he is clank banging around; making all kinds of noise - like he always does ;) I told him I heard those noises again and that I can't see anything because it is dark. I went back to the computer room and about 30 minutes later decided to go porch side. Suddenly, I hear those noises again, good grief, I see this animal coming towards the porch, I ran back into the house. Noisemaker was at the window and I, of course, was in panic mode. It was a coyote! The coyote was being chased by our Spring, the fox - it is his territory and he was guarding it. Be gone with you Mr. Coyote. I never mentioned to folks around here; especially to my fine neighbor, Chris that I see the wildlife in full beauty because several folks take to want to shoot at them. I cannot tolerate that. If you could see the animals in winter, trying just to survive - to get food and water - well, you let them have first place - you step aside. ...I saw a sign - said, the animals have the right-of-way... Wildlife - Paul McCartney/Wings

Friday, April 1, 2011

Holy Smucksville!!!

I can barely contain myself - you will never believe what happened to us ~ we won the lotto! Not a million, but enough to live comfortably. However, the best news is John Prine - Davenport - here I come! I'll see you all on June 18th. I have many details to work out. Getting off the mountain isn't that easy. All the connections, but - eh, it is worth it. Honestly, when I sat to read the lotto numbers on the computer - geez, I just started to shake. I dashed out of the computer room to tell Noisemaker - well, I cannot print out the words I said. I made him checked the numbers several times. Yep, it is a winner! I have prayed to the god of lotto since we came to the mountain side. I have waited for this moment. I look so forward to Davenport. The tentative itinerary is to go via Winnipeg, Manitoba - pick up the Skunk then, we will fly off to Davenport. I will then travel to Madison and on to the deep southern states of Alabama (I need to go there to see what the hell Neil Young was singing about) and Mississippi. Detour around Virginia, Tennessee, Texas, and of course ~ Paradise, Kentucky. Right now, I am listening to Bruce Springsteen - Lucky Day. Honey, you're my lucky day! and, today is April Fool's Day - have a happy one!

John Prine Drawing

John Prine as drawn by my great nephew, Brayden. Ain't it cool.  Talented young man he is, 14 years old, and loves to draw. B...