Friday, April 1, 2011

Holy Smucksville!!!

I can barely contain myself - you will never believe what happened to us ~ we won the lotto! Not a million, but enough to live comfortably. However, the best news is John Prine - Davenport - here I come! I'll see you all on June 18th. I have many details to work out. Getting off the mountain isn't that easy. All the connections, but - eh, it is worth it. Honestly, when I sat to read the lotto numbers on the computer - geez, I just started to shake. I dashed out of the computer room to tell Noisemaker - well, I cannot print out the words I said. I made him checked the numbers several times. Yep, it is a winner! I have prayed to the god of lotto since we came to the mountain side. I have waited for this moment. I look so forward to Davenport. The tentative itinerary is to go via Winnipeg, Manitoba - pick up the Skunk then, we will fly off to Davenport. I will then travel to Madison and on to the deep southern states of Alabama (I need to go there to see what the hell Neil Young was singing about) and Mississippi. Detour around Virginia, Tennessee, Texas, and of course ~ Paradise, Kentucky. Right now, I am listening to Bruce Springsteen - Lucky Day. Honey, you're my lucky day! and, today is April Fool's Day - have a happy one!

1 comment:

  1. Due to several emails, I must post. I did not win the lotto. However, what was posted has always been a dream of mine; the words are true to my mind and my heart; my body and my soul.

    Perhaps, Wednesday will be my 'lucky day'.


John Prine Drawing

John Prine as drawn by my great nephew, Brayden. Ain't it cool.  Talented young man he is, 14 years old, and loves to draw. B...