Sunday, February 22, 2015

Mrs. Prine And Her Son, Johnny

Thank you, Billy Prine ~ this is a great photo!

Love the flowers in the background.

Hugs abound.

Monday, February 16, 2015


Yesterday, I was eating a delicious After Eight Mint - I love those.  They melt in your mouth like a Melting Moment Cookie.  After I ate my mine, naturally, I have to get a glass of water.  I did, and thought oh my, something has gone A. Miss in the location of my upper denture.  Yes, I have worn dentures since I was 19 years old.  Oh my - big ouch - not painful - but I have lost a portion of my denture - it will be passing to the sewage plant very soon.

This morning I call to the village dentists'.....anyone out there help me with a simple repair.  Answer - NO.  The dental mechanic is on vacation, the nearest one to me is a two hour drive.  Thank god, my missing piece does not constitute pain - only slight aggravation.  

Living rural is much a hardship, at times.  Other times it is a beautiful piece of the world.  Now to get a good weigh scale and compare.  

That could well take me to some parking lot dirt.  lol

...well. I leaned on my left leg in the parking lot dirt...John Prine ~ Far From Me

In The Parking Lot, Again. . .

Recently, my noisemaker was to his monthly doctors' appointment.  I do travel with him but smucksville I hate going into the actual building.  A room filled with germs.  I had to this time because I had to pee.  I went in and out as fast as my feet would travel.  

I walked around the parking lot singing Paradise (John Prine) waiting for my noisemaker.  I knew it was going to be a time of long because the waiting room was filled with sick, ailing people.

I stopped and lit up a cigarette, smoked along - singing along and then I heard a voice say...your song is nice.  I looked around and found an elderly lady swinging her legs and sitting in a parked vehicle.  I walked on over, cautious - because I am smoking a cigarette.  Hi - I said and saw, she too was inhaling the undesirable.

She says to me, I can hear you singing.  I laughed and replied yes, I come out to the parking lot, sing, smoke my cigarette and wait for my husband.  Well, there, there, she replies - I too, am waiting for my husband, I smoke but I do not sing.  

Sure, I said - anyone can sing.  I kind of danced the Luke up a bit and got her to laughing (me too).  We spoke of getting old - she is 83 - her husband is 84.  I told her well hells bells I will never live that long but don't you think a person that lives that long should receive commendations/award/medals.  Oh my. . she replied with a great spiel from her take on the government of the day, the politicians of the day, and ended with why in the hell are we in the parking lot talking of this.

We laughed.  I told her times change and you really should learn how to sing. Tsk, know how to sing already - just sing!  We laughed again.  It was heart warming to me to see her smile and giggle.

We finished up our cigarettes, she lit another.  I saw my noisemaker coming out.  He walks over and the lady says to him - oh my, I heard you when you got out of your truck - yes, there is a big puddle of water on your side - you best get inside the passengers' side....then you don't have to curse.  We all laughed.

Another day in Paradise and the parking lot. . .

Sunday, February 8, 2015


The Spurtle

Oh my, this tool has so many uses.  Stews, soups, and any homemade cooking can use a spurtle or two.  Sometimes when I am in the kitchen I pretend I am in concert and leading a fine orchestra, I am the conductorette!  Spurtles abound!

With my new hobby of knitting I came across another use for the good old spurtle.  When needing to have another hand/arm and you do not but your yarn needs to be in ball formation.  Simply place the yarn skein on the spurtle, place the spurtle in between your between feet and whip up your yarn like there is no tomorrow.  

Everyone should have a Spurtle or two!

Friday, February 6, 2015

I Have Been Busy. . .

My first knitting project.  lol

It is a fun to remove myself from our abode on the mountain side.  Relax, take five, learn to knit -and most important - giggle.  I partake in the Friday morning social with the gals, it is great fun.

People Do Not Giggle Enough!

John Prine Drawing

John Prine as drawn by my great nephew, Brayden. Ain't it cool.  Talented young man he is, 14 years old, and loves to draw. B...