Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Living on the Mountain Side

On Monday, Noisemaker and I made a two hour drive to shop at Wally World. Good lord, I near hit the brink. Let me try to explain what it is like to shop with Noisemaker (he is worse than any woman I know). First you have to get the biggest shopping cart there is; he proceeds up and down every aisle there is -- well, except for one - he skips the feminine hygiene aisle. I can do about three aisles and then I have had it. I am not one for shopping. I enter a store, I have a list - I get what is on the list and get the heck out. ah, not Noisemaker. He loves to shop.

I left about aisle four and stepped outside. I came back - geez, he is still on the same aisle. He is stuck on some dishcloths, that was on the list. He wants microfibre ones (will add to this when we get to the automotive aisle).

Noisemaker diddles along; I found a bunk so I sat down figuring I cannot win this shopping situation, so I will rest. There seems to be a trio of important Wally World people doing something. They rather peered at me while I was sitting on the end bunk - ask me did I need help. I told them - yep, I do - I need you to go over there to that man in the black jacket and tell him to speed up, wife is tired...all they did was laugh at me!

Hours pass by. I can hear my stomach, I need something to eat and I proceed to go and find Noisemaker. I am strolling around and pass the automotive aisle - there he is! He has found some microfibre rags, a big huge bag of them! He thinks he has found the mother lode. I am thinking -lord, have mercy on my soul. I tell him, oh yes, these will be great, direct them to the cart so we can get the heck out of there.

We return to the mountain side in one heck of a storm. There is big wind, freezing rain mixed with snow and myself in general irritation. We have to unpack. I am thinking to myself, I have to walk in the snow, I am so afraid of falling, I am terrified. I went very slow, did two loads and then went inside to unpack everything. All went well.

That night, the next two days, the power goes off...comes back on...then goes off. We have spent hours like this, however, life goes on. Noisemaker decides to look at the microfibre so called dish cloths (rags) he has purchased.

Too damn funny, he opens the bag up - there is an assortment of colors, varying in size, and truly I had no words. The next day I did laundry and included all these cloths. Today, I tried one - let me tell ya - these cloths are the next best thing since me and sliced bread!

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