Tuesday, April 13, 2010

eh, my day. . .

Down the mountain side we go early, early this morning - early - awake at 4 a.m. Noisemaker did. He clanged on in at 10 past 5 and I acknowledged yep, time to awake. By 5:30 a.m. he was standing at the door, awaiting for me. For the love of god, I barely had time to coffee with the limited wildlife and brush my teeth then we were on the road to the city.

We were lost for several moments, not that we missed time - only sleep. We found the bone test factory and a most interesting conversation I had with the bone tester in charge. "Where do you reside" she asked. I laughed. Replied - side of the mountain blah, blah, blah. She quickly acknowledges and knows of the place I reside. Ah, I am thinking - mind it is a tickin'...pot capital of the world...I laughed. Bone tester has a series of question for me...comes to - do you smoke - oh yes, I do, but not pot, only cigarettes. She goes into near the life of Linda on Mars with laughter, I mean big laughter. She props my knees up, fixes up my hip and foot - we are off to nuclearville. The test is done, complete.

She tells me you are very petite - I replied why yes, I am - been that way for near 55 years. It is no surprise to me. Where the door prize may lay here is no doctor asked me how I fell. They were concern that I fell on ice and being less that 5' tall - well, it's a short distance. Oh my deary, dear - you are fragile.

I fell on a hill blanketed with glare ice. I lost traction, I slid approximately ten feet. I had not a choice, my feet danced, I fell down the hill. I am thankful I did not hit my head. When I landed, I was able to get up - ah, then the noisemaker was there.

We proceeded to the village hospital and the rest is somewhat an on going history.

Let it be know to all - I am fragile, I am 93 pounds, I am 4'11". I am not going into a ring with any UFC guy nor Rocky. I can fling 2 x 4 flingers at cows and I can chase them. I am strong willed and no, I am not a bitch. Actually, I am badged at being quite a good hearted woman :)
who does the Wally World, Costco aisles, takes Noisemakers' bellars. I sing John Prine and yep when I dressed today I dawned up the John Prine sweat shirt - John Prine Live - oh but not 2010 - long ago sweat shirt. I will get the I 'Heart' Johnny t-shirt soon - it'll be a John Prine thrillville day! You know he has that new cd coming out - In Person & On Stage. geez, did I not write about that. . .

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John Prine Drawing

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