From October 2009. It was such a fun time, I am remembering it today.
...In August 2005 I attended a John Prine concert in Vancouver, British Columbia. As I strolled outside at intermission I noticed a gentleman standing among the Prine folk. I did not know the man, but later that evening I saw him again, standing outside the venue after the show, waiting for John Prine.
This was the concert where that fine gentleman strolled me on in to meet John Prine. Holy Smucksville!
Two months later, I was walking out on the dirt road on the mountain side and noticed a van...these folks looked lost. I walked on up to the van and asked if they required some assistance. There was an elderly couple and what looked to be their son. We chatted and I asked if they would like to come on down and see the creek. The father replied sure. When we got to our home, the Mom said, she would stayed up by our home with Noisemaker. The Dad, the son, and I walked to the creek.
When we got to the creek, the Dad said - this is Paradise. I said just like the song Paradise written by one of my favorite musicians. The son look at me and said, John are the lady in the black vest, I remember you.
In 2009 I am back in Vancouver to see John Prine ...again. This time with Charlene. After the show we went to the back alley to wait for John Prine. Who is out there but, Ben. I yelled on over - it was a Prine moment, it was golden.