Sunday, October 11, 2009


Many folks here on the mountain side, today, are celebrating Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving in Canada is celebrated on the second Monday in October to give thanks to the harvest, a tradition brought over from Europe. If we celebrated Thanksgiving in November like the folks in the USA our harvest would be frozen and so would we!

I am sitting peaceful today with a well maintained fire - it is cold here. I am not feeling up to par and I must get to par because I only have two more sleeps and one more wake up before I swoop on down the mountain side to the city of Vancouver - you know, to see John Prine.

I caught some sort of flu bug, I am weak. I have been taking vitamins and drinking a honey/lemon drink several times a day. I should be spiking it with whiskey but that would elevate the noisemakers' blood pressure.

We have several seasonal folks in for the long weekend. I went outside last night and looked at all the home lights on. It was most comforting to me. Usually, it is total darkness. I came back in and told the noisemaker - this is nice - I see lights. We have never had this many folk here at one time. Perhaps, their wheels are spinning in the city and they have come to the side of the mountain to relax their wheels ~ or maybe get real cold and go catch a few fish.

Happy Thanksgiving Canada
Happy Columbus Day USA

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John Prine Drawing

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