Saturday, March 12, 2011

The God Of Snow

The other day, after the morning shovel of the white stuff, I came back down to the steps of our home to sit a spell. I looked over towards the garden shed and saw this face looking back at me.

Can you see the face in the snow - to the side of the shed - two eyes, a nose, and smiling lips?

I took it as an omen - ...spring is just a smile away... ~ John Prine.

This morning a Mother moose with her one/two year old came to visit us. They were served saskatoon and willow branches. They gave their thanks with leaving us those special little brown pebbles(?)...

The earthquake in Japan - I feel for the people of Japan.

Mother Earth speaks to us, I wish the entire world would listen.


  1. I see it...I see the face! She's even got one of those heart shaped mouths...but of course she collect hearts! 'Spring is just a smile away' indeed!

  2. Oh, I am so glad someone saw the God of Snow (yep, I should have said Goddess)...I think she has seen a heart shaped like a valentine :)

  3. Furthermore ~ after shovelling this morning, I go sit on my perch viewing my Goddess of Snow; here comes the brownish/black rodent up from over the bank. Scared the heck out of me as I thought it was a rat. Upon, getting my walking stick and banging on the pallets, it emerges. Oh, I felt so bad, it was a muskrat.

    Maybe muskrat Susie or muskrat Sam :)

  4. Now there's a song I'd probably have never thought of again in my life...Muskrat Love!


John Prine Drawing

John Prine as drawn by my great nephew, Brayden. Ain't it cool.  Talented young man he is, 14 years old, and loves to draw. B...