Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Busy, Busy Busy

Smucksville, I think I have now become the resident snow shovelerette! I have shovelled the white stuff far too much. Today noisemaker went out to 'tidy up' as he says.

I have been busy with a new project - sewing! I have not sewn anything for over twenty years, maybe thirty. However, everything old regains strength and bursts through like a super nova!

When my Dad died, I had recently purchased him two new shirts. He liked the short sleeved, plaid ones. When all was settled my brother sent me one of the shirts; the other shirt - my Dad was laid to burn in. I did not know what to do with the shirt; it came to me - I shall sew up something. I am making coasters. The top half of the coaster is the material from the shirt, the bottom half is denim from a pair of my levis. It is a family affair. I shall give a set for my brother, he'll be touched - his family will be touched.

In the midst of this, I am a Santa Claus writer. I write letters to the grandkids from Santa. Their Mom's give me a list of what their wishes are, I - in turn, write each child a letter from Santa. The damn printer broke so Santa has now reached the computer age and is doing email! I email the Mom's - they print it - cut it (so you do not see the address), slip it in an envelope and viola - once again - as if by *magic or remote control* - Santa and Mrs. Claus ring true.

*Sins of Memphisto - John Prine*

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of writing letters from Santa to your grand kids. Mighty darn cool! I'm going to borrow this idea, or rent if the price is right! Thank you Ricky and Lucy!


John Prine Drawing

John Prine as drawn by my great nephew, Brayden. Ain't it cool.  Talented young man he is, 14 years old, and loves to draw. B...