Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Brother, The PostMan

My brother, the postman retires tomorrow after 35+ years with Canada Post. He is very willing to leave. From the several years of pounding the pavement, he now needs to have hip replacement surgery. I wish him well in his somewhat early golden years. teehee, my parents worked fast, he is born in the same year I am, 1955. He was born in January, I booted out in December.

Some years ago, I purchased the John Prine Guitar Book, we both used it. At 21 I was diagnosed with a hearing loss; geez, I always wondered why the guitar did not sound right/left to me. I gave the guitar book to my brother. Now, I am asking for it back - I wrote him a note stating if he sent it back for me maybe I could have 'the other retired postman' (John Prine) sign it for him and then I would return it. I hope he does send it; but if not I will understand. (2x4 time).

Speaking of Canada Post, I received a delightful parcel in the mail today from skunkeyejan. Included in the SE parcel were five sharpie pens and an assortment of crosswords/newspaper clippings on that hunk Bruce and Winnipeg Neil. She sent this thing, I did not know what it was a pointed stick with a cute little wooden jar on top. I thought it might a poker to poke noisemaker with. I emailed her, thank her for all the gifts and did question 'what is this thing'...good lord she replies and tells me mountain girl - it is a cake tester! *giggle, giggle* How could I have missed that, I do bake.

Also included in SE parcel were three parcels with instructions - Do Not Open Until Vancouver. There is one parcel for CC, one for me, and one with instructions we are to open together. I have them sitting next to me, but it is hard when it comes to me and gifts. I must move them to the pile labelled Vancouver. I think she may have sent fancy pantcee Depends. I have shook them, poked at them, but cannot figure anything out. I must let them rest until October 14th.

And, baking I must tend too, soon. Two batches of unturtle bars for the road crew of John Prine, Faddy and Eric; and of course, John/Jason/David.

My Aunty called today to wish CC and I a safe trip, to enjoy the Prine concert. She is 83 and found John Prine at 80 when I sent her a cd.

Everything is JPW - John Prine Wonderful Y

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John Prine Drawing

John Prine as drawn by my great nephew, Brayden. Ain't it cool.  Talented young man he is, 14 years old, and loves to draw. B...