Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Sunday For Some

My Sunday has to get better, it only can - soon Bruce Springsteen will being doing the half time show at the Superbowl!

My early hours of day, well, I have had better. Yikers, once again I am having eye gazing problems. I took what I thought was shampoo to wash my hair - it was not - it was conditioner. Have you ever tried to wash your hair with conditioner. I finally realized the problem and have locks now that are television commercial material!

Furthermore, I seem to shower at the time my lunatic neighbor sees fit to pay a visit. He has to be the most inconsiderate person I have ever met. He graces our home with big winter boots, (they have to be big, he is a big man), opts to not stand on the provided rug but steps forth so as the snow and dirt on his boots will silently run onto the floor and cause a puddle of what is deemed to be something I should clean up later.

Part of me would like to call this fine neighbor of mine, a parasite. However, being as that the spelling of parasite is far too close to that of PARADISE (my favorite John Prine song), I will not do that.

I have always had good neighbors, always, no matter where I resided. My neighbor/neighborettes and I would exchange baking, casseroles. It was great. My neighbor, Helen - she would always give to us baking treats for every occasion possible. I, in turn, would do up a casserole and call her up - 'meet me at the fence, Helen - supper is ready'! It was great.

I sing a lot. One day, Helen came over and asked me if I wanted to join up with the local church choir. I replied that I did not think I was choir material ~ Helen replied - I heard you sing Johnny Horton the other day and it was good. I never joined up with the choir.

After we moved from that neighborhood; I took Helen's idea of giving to neighbors - baking. Our neighbors had 4 kids. I would bake cupcakes on every occasion, sometimes did not even have to be an occasion. Just treats! I miss my neighbors.

And, now here I am shaking my head at what a neighbor I have. Do not get me wrong folks, he is my closest neighbor and I know he is a good person. He cannot see fit to have a day go by without the combination of medication, stronger medication, and booze.

Enough - sincerely, I do hope for better days. They are coming to Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
*as she sits and calmly does her wave/toe tappin/head noddin'/john prinin'*

Go Steelers!

To Note - The shampoo bottle is dressed now, with an elastic band.

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