Not a great picture, however, the red marker is to where we will be sitting come the night of 2019.08.06. I'm mean can you believe it!
Truly, I thought I was doomed for the so called Presale Prine. I registered and by email the response I received was rather a try back Friday morning. I was NOT a happy camper. I figured what is the point in registering for presale if you left with a popped red balloon.
I hung my head in sorrow. After about an hour I thought well hells bells, I am still going to see Prine - just not with the seat selection I was hoping for.
The next morning I am on the computer and I see a brief post come by from a Prine friend of mine. She apparently, I do not know how, got the password for presale Spotify. Smucksville I raced on over there and did the best I could under the explosion that was in my mind.
A new window pops up and states to me...your tickets are on there way. Low and be (curse word) hold. I have done it, I got tickets to Prine Vancouver. My heart was near still.
Now to call up that happy-go-lucky brother of mine and relay to him the great news. My guess is when I tell him he will be going to visit Linda on Mars.