Friday, May 15, 2009

Bakin', John Prinin', Toe Tapin'

This weekend is a long weekend in Canada and you can sure tell. Our small community is near bursting at the seams, we have lots of seasonal folks coming in for the first time for 2009. Our Ladies Auxiliary holds an annual bake sale this weekend, I have been baking my heart out, I enjoy it. I baked enough for the entire community, I like to bake. I made 72 chocolate chip cookies, 72 chocolate chunk cookies, two butter pecan honey walnut loaves, rocky road bars, lemon bars, and unturtled bars. The Unturtled Bars are my favorite, I eat them, I have none for the bake sale, none for grandkids.

The grandkids/kids come this weekend. Cory, my stepson arrived already and he, the noisemaker, and my fine neighbor - Chris have already taken six pine beetle trees down. They are doing very good work. I cannot watch, it causes me nerve explosion.

John Prine has yet to announce any western Canada dates, but I am in hopes he will. I made a clock for him, a clock made out of pine beetle wood. It is kind of shaped like a four leaf clover. I purchase fishing rods for the arms and the numbers correspond to a John Prine song. For example:
One - One Red Rose
Two - Two Worlds Collide
Six - Six O'Clock News
you get the drift. I hope to give it to him to hang up at his home or OhBoy Records next time I meet up with him.

I met John Prine on August 5th, 2005 in Vancouver. I hope to meet him again, perhaps at my creek, catching a few fish.

I have lots of folks out there hoping for me that John Prine will make a western Canada tour. Yep, he could come to Kamloops, Kelowna, Prine George (Prince George), my creek. What a willy dilly time we could have at my creek! *roaring laughter*

My Prine friends are such treasures, I struck gold when I entered their orbit. I want to take a moment and thank them - Charlene Stevenson, skunkeyejan, Florida John, Crusher, Reeda, Chuck, Chad, noticketdonna, k47, jon s, and some I know I am forgetting. It is heart warming to have a circle of friends. I have never met any of these folks, one day I hope to. They are special.

I also have a Neil Young treasure friend, Bill Laing. see:

oh near forgot to mention, probably because it is so calm for me now. Noisemakers' blood pressure for two mornings has been 220/110 (that is stroke range). It decreases during the day, somewhat.

I hope for better days. I hope Noisemaker does not have a stroke, and I hope that one day soon, again, I will meet John Prine and give him the tick tock.

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John Prine Drawing

John Prine as drawn by my great nephew, Brayden. Ain't it cool.  Talented young man he is, 14 years old, and loves to draw. B...