Thursday, April 23, 2009

Think Twice, It Is Another Day In Paradise

I was on my way to the General Store today and noticed at the so-called main intersection, a road block. I thought I was going to make the great escape - it did not work as planned. I have much trouble wearing a seat belt across my expansive chest; I neatly tuck the seat belt under my armpit.

I swear today, the young police officer must have had his eyes peeled right on my chest as he flagged me down and waved. I pleasantly did my wave, stopped - rolled down my window, and said - are you waving at me? He replied, yes - he was. He asked me why I was wearing my seat belt incorrectly... I replied, I am not - it is correct - under my armpit - I have a scar, don't ya know. He blinks and winks at me. OK - Mr. Police Officer I do not have a scar, I am old - I have sore bones - my shoulder does not accept seat belts good, nor does my bust (mega laughter for us both). The kind officer tells me everything I needed to know about seat belt safety and the most important factor it is a $167.00 fine for incorrect wearing of a seat belt. I should have told the young officer that the village/any municipal government could make a lot more money if they looked at how many women wear an incorrect bra! And, it is not a car bra!

Ah, to note here - at no time was I asked to provide a drivers' license, insurance, nothing. I know he was all dazzled over my expansive chest size!

No ticket issued.

Another day in Paradise...

1 comment:

  1. You know what JPP? I sure like having blogspot to practice a little creativity. I think we Priners put some fairly good sh*t out here.

    Keep a postin'!!!


John Prine Drawing

John Prine as drawn by my great nephew, Brayden. Ain't it cool.  Talented young man he is, 14 years old, and loves to draw. B...